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How to Hack the Facebook Algorithm

Have you ever wondered why some of your Facebook posts gain a lot of likes, comments, and shares, but others seem to get just a few likes from your most loyal followers? It all comes down to the Facebook algorithm.

How the Instagram Algorithm Works in 2021

When Instagram was first created, users would see the posts in a chronological order. Nowadays Instagram uses an algorithm to determine what users will see. Just like the Facebook algorithm, the Instagram one relies on machine learning and the user’s past behavior to create a unique feed tailored for each user.

5 Tips for Writing Engaging Website Content

Whether you’re trying to generate more website traffic, leads, or sales, writing good content is the king. People are not likely to find your website, sign up for more information, or purchase your products if your content does not engage them.

Is Your Google Business Profile Up To Date?

Keeping your Google business profile (known as Google My Business) updated is one of the easiest things you can do to make sure people know about your business. Your profile plays a large factor determining where your company ranks in Google Search and Google Maps results.

Our Favorite Graphic Design Trends of 2021

Our Favorite Graphic Design Trends of 2021

Graphic design trends are taking what we’ve seen and done before to predict what we will see and do in the future. The idea is to use what we have now to create something different, but not too different. This year is starting off strong with different and unique trends.

Digital Advertising Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2021

Digital advertising is always evolving. Naturally some aspects of digital advertising, like the importance of writing engaging ad copy and designing creatives that stand out, will remain the same, but digital advertising platforms and customer behavior are in a constant flux of change.

Guide to display ads

Guide to Display Ads and Their Specs

You can get the most out of your display ad design by using images, videos, design principles, and other media elements to help further improve your message.

Zoom Tricks to Improve Your Meetings

In 2020, Zoom conferencing became a household name. We’re sure that by now everybody has participated in dozens of Zoom meetings and are familiar with the basic features of organizing a meeting. However, Zoom is continuously adding new features to make its product more secure and user-friendly.

how to write engaging ad copy

5 Tips on How to Write Engaging Ad Copy

If your ads are difficult to understand or don’t tell your potential customers what benefits you provide to them, you’re not likely to see the results you’re hoping for. The harsh truth is that people will not click on your ad if they don’t see any value in it.

Person installing a tracking pixel

How to Install a Tracking Pixel

Having a tracking pixel on your website is crucial if you want to measure your marketing efforts. Instead of blindly hoping that people will react positively to your ads and landing pages you can actually track website traffic, site conversions, and user behavior.

Face mask with the text vote

10 Best Practices for Political Campaigns on Facebook

If you are thinking of running for office, having an effective social media campaign strategy is a must. Whether we like it or not, social media plays a big part in today’s politics and having a strong online presence is an essential part of any campaign.

Facebook Political Advertising Changes

Facebook Political Advertising Changes

Facebook has announced some new steps to protect the US election. The goal of these steps is to limit voter misinformation and reduce the risk of post-election confusion.