Zoom Tricks to Improve Your Meetings

In 2020, Zoom conferencing became a household name. We’re sure that by now everybody has participated in dozens of Zoom meetings and are familiar with the basic features of organizing a meeting. However, Zoom is continuously adding new features to make its product more secure and user-friendly.

Here’s some of our favorite Zoom tricks that can make your video meetings better. 

Adjust lighting

Low lighting is a common problem people face unless they can set their desk right in front of a window. Many home offices don’t have that luxury, so Zoom enables you to touch up your appearance and adjust for low light. Both of these features are controlled with a sliding bar so that you can make more nuanced adjustments. 

Control background noise

Many people working from home have to deal also with background noises, such as barking dogs and loud traffic. Zoom enables you to control your environment with the Background Noise Suppression feature. Use the low setting if you want people to hear for example soft music during a casual meeting and the high setting if you want to eliminate all background noise. 

Spotlight featured speaker

If you want to make sure that everybody pays attention to an important presentation, you can spotlight a specific participant. Zoom has recently made some adjustments so that you can spotlight up to nine participants simultaneously. This feature is very handy if you’re doing for example a panel with several speakers. However, keep in mind that the more speakers you spotlight, the smaller their screens will become. 

Use Breakout Rooms

If you’re organizing a big meeting, breakout rooms are a great way to change things up. You can split your Zoom meeting in up to 50 separate sessions either automatically or manually or let your participants choose which sessions they want to join. The breakout rooms make it easier to facilitate smaller conversations or team work sessions. 


Creating polls is another great way to mix things up during a Zoom meeting. You can use single choice or multiple choice questions and gather the responses in real time. You can also choose if you want the poll to be anonymous or not. The polls work well in casual settings, but can also be used to conduct more official business.



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